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6:01 PM
Zend Server 6.0.1
Zend Waiter 6.0.1
Zend Waiter — это очень удачный набор, содержащий все нужные составляющие для резвого развертывания веб-сервера с поддержкой PHP, также разработки PHP-приложений. Для справки: Zend — это компания, занимающаяся разработкой языка PHP. Zend Server — продукт от самих отцов основоположников (!), кропотливо тестированный и снабженный фирменными технологиями (Debugger, Optimizer+). Zend Server — полнофункциональный web-стек, поставляемый в одном пакете. Содержит в себе http-сервер Apache, PHP, Zend Model, набор модулей для поддержки БД (Oracle, DB2, MySQL, PostgreSQL), коннектор к Java, разработанный специально web-интерфейс для управления конфигурацией, отладчик, оптимизатор байткода и API для организации кеширования. Панель управления включает как уникальные разработки для управления web-сервером, так и типовые, к примеру, phpmyadmin.

Помощь и исправления безопасности Zend гарантирует помощь целых компонент Zend Server, в том количестве во часы выполнения PHP и Zend Framework, также цикличные исправления безопасности. Zend также гарантирует долгий помощью ( LTS ) до края жизни целых версий PHP, в Enterprise Edition клиентки также могут приобрести пользовательские исправления для PHP либо Zend Framework с открытым первым шифром.

Главные составляющие Zend Server:
Веб - сервер Apache ( возможна интеграция с IIS )
Zend Framework
Zend Debugger
Zend Optimizer + ( Bytecode gas )
Zend Data Hoard
Панель управления сервером

Zend Server - сomplete, enterprise-ready Web Application Server for deploying, running and managing PHP applications with a high level of reliability, performance and security both on-premise and in the cloud.

Support and Security Fixes
Zend leaves support for all factors of Zend Waiter admitting the PHP runtime and Zend Model, as well as periodical surety raging fixes. Zend besides leaves Long Terminus Support ( LTS ) for end - of - liveliness adaptations of PHP, presently admitting PHP 5.4. Endeavour Version clients besides can find usance fixes to PHP or Zend Model open generator code.

Performance and Scalability
Zend Waiter enables coating operation optimization at respective strata. From bytecode hoard to data hoard to URL - established varlet hoard, multiple instruments assist redeem utmost PHP efficiency. In addition, the Zend Occupation Queue appropriates racing meter - eating occupations serially, withdrawing coating constrictions and slenderizing waiter lade.

To care workload, Zend Waiter appropriates loose surmounting of coatings upwardly or down, both on - premise and in the cloud. Zend Waiter besides
combines supervising data crosswise all waiters in a bunch, leaving a elementary means to place and name troubles.

Configuration and Deployment
Zend Waiter streamlines coating deployment with a workflow for producing and deploying app packages controlling code, handwritings, metadata, and initiation parameters. Coatings can be deployed either from the Zend Waiter UI or via API, enabling iterative and uninterrupted deployment.

Zend Server also ensures configuration
consistence crosswise a bunch and supervises all waiters within a bunch to initiation alarms along whatsoever shape alters. This concentrated shape direction besides appropriates backing and reconstruct of PHP mounts, defending reproducible surroundingses through the intact coating lifecycle.

Monitoring and Root-Cause Analysis
Zend Waiter leaves a elaborate vista of the coating ecosystem with supervising dashboards leaving measured on operation and use. Supervising formulae can be configured to lawsuit the prerequisites of each coating, leaving presentment of PHP erroneousnesses, mellow retentiveness use, boring postulation performance, and more.

When something does go wrong, code tracing leaves a snap of the issue, affording developers function - by - function insight into the debatable PHP request and gashing troubleshooting time. Because developers can be put separate login certificate with show - only access verified by coating, they can safely access product debugging data and get troubles answered debauched.

Enterprise Integration
Zend Waiter desegregates with third company supervising instruments such as Nagios, as well as deployment answers wish Hudson or Jenkins.
Endeavours can apply the audit lead to path all exploiter action showing what occurred, when, and past whom. Zend Waiters exploiter direction can besides integrate with LDAP directories. Furthermore, coatings running along Zend Waiter have access to Java bequest encode via a Java connection.

Development Tools and Runtime
Zend Waiter leaves a reproducible smokestack with democratic elongations and libraries progressed - inwards, as well equally away of the boxwood connectivity to endeavour database engineerings. To help debugging, growth encode trace leaves inwards - astuteness symptomatic psychoanalysis of PHP performance interrelated to an consequence or to a particular URL.

Zend Server Gateway
Zend Waiter Gateway is an advanced Zend Model 2 faculty that leaves key APIs for web services such as routing, hallmark, substantiation, trickling and request parameter binding. It supports universe of both RPC - established and RESTful services without the need to spell whatsoever plumbing code. Zend Waiter Gateway service - description files can be begeted applying Zend Studio 10s drag and drop port. The begeted code can be applied to progress RPC or REST style web service APIs while leaving a lightweight and loose to use API to interact with the ZF2 MVC core factors.

Дата: 2013
Платформа: Windowpanes XP SP3/Server 2008 R2/7/8 x86
Интерфейс: Британский
Лечущее средство: Fling - Heroism
Размер: 98,14 Мб

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Zend Server 6.0.1




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