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Главная » 2014 » Февраль » 28 » MathSol EqPlot v1.3.7 DC 04.09.12
11:04 PM
MathSol EqPlot v1.3.7 DC 04.09.12
MathSol EqPlot v1.3.7 DC 04.09.12
График плоттер программка для построения графиков функций из уравнений в 2D. Приложение держит в себе алгебраические, тригонометрические, гиперболические и трансцендентные функции. EqPlot может быть использована для проверки эффектов нелинейного регрессионного разбора.

Graph schemer program plots 2D graphs from equalities. The coating incorporates algebraic, trigonometric, hyperbolic and transcendental functions. EqPlot can be applied to affirm the results of nonlinear reversion psychoanalysis program.

Diagrammatically Reexamine Equalities
Equality graph schemer affords engineers and investigators the power to diagrammatically review equalities, by putting a bombastic number of equalities at their fingertips. The program is besides essential for scholars and instructors.

Apprehensible and handy port
A whippy work region leases you type in your equalities straight. It is as simple as a regular textbook editor. Gloss, blue - pencil and repeat your graphings in the work region. You can besides paste your equalities into the editor panel.
Preserve your study for belated utilization into a textbook or lifelike file. Comprehensive online assist is well accessed within the platform.

Официальный Веб-сайт &%23124; Homepage:: http://www.math-solutions.org/
Язычок / Language: Британский ( English )
Размер / Size: 1.57 Mb

MathSol EqPlot v1.3.7 DC 04.09.12




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