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Главная » 2014 » Май » 28 » AutoHotkey
4:58 AM
AutoHotkey - Программка создана для управления "знойными кнопками". С AutoHotkey вы можете заавтоматизировать почти все обработчики возгласов мыши и нажатия кнопок. Вы сможете чиркнуть клики мыши либо команду клавиатуры вручную либо применить запись макросов. Также есть способности задать"горячие кнопки" для клавиатуры, джойстика и мыши. Здесь находится функция расшифровки сокращений, которая позволит автоматом подменять написанные сокращения на полный вариант текста.

Customize your keyboard, stick, and shiner with an open generator handwriting terminology ( AutoHotkey ) that is backward sympathetic with AutoIt v2. AutoHotkey it admits a quick - start tutorial, an automatic handwriting author ( macro registrar ) that records your keystrokes and shiner clicks, and a comprehensive help file. Automate about anything: Station keystrokes& mouse clicks; plunge platforms / documents; sour with the clipboard, register, & soundcard mounts. In addition to its mechanization lineaments drew below, AutoHotkey surpasses at hotkeys, capable to make about *any* mouse/joystick button, keyboard keystone, or combination into a hotkey.

AutoHotkey it can besides singly handicap or overrule Windowpanes' own crosscut keys, such as Win + E and Win + R. It may besides help facilitate RSI; for example, it can produce substitutes for Alt - Check applying keys, shiner wheel, or buttons.

With AutoHotkey, you can:
Automatize about anything past stationing keystrokes and shiner dawns. You can spell a shiner or keyboard macro past хэнд or apply the macro registrar.
Produce hotkeys for keyboard, stick, and shiner. About whatsoever keystone, button, or combination can suit a hotkey.
Boom abbreviations equally you character them. For example, typecasting"btw" can automatically produce "by the way".
Produce usance data submission forms, exploiter ports, and carte bars. Assure GUI for details.
Remap keystones and buttons along your keyboard, stick, and shiner.
React to signs from mitt - halted outback controllers via the WinLIRC node handwriting.
Rivulet subsisting AutoIt v2 handwritings and raise them with modern capablenesses.
Convert whatsoever handwriting into an EXE file that can be run on calculators that don't have AutoHotkey established.


Change the bulk, mute, and other mounts of whatsoever soundcard.
Make whatsoever windowpane crystalline, forever - along - acme, or neuter its conformation.
Utilization a stick or keyboard as a shiner.
Supervise your organization. For example, secretive unwanted windowpanes the bit they seem.
Recover and alter the clipboard's contents, admitting file gentes replicated from an Adventurer windowpane.
Disable or overrule Windowpanes' own crosscut identifies such equally Gain + E and Gain + R.
Facilitate RSI with reserves for Alt - Check ( applying keystones, shiner rack, or buttons ).
Customize the tray picture carte with your own picture, tooltip, carte tokens, and submenus.
Display dialog boxes, tooltips, balloon tips, and popup cartes to interact with the exploiter.
Execute handwriting activities in reaction to organization closure or logoff.
Discover how long the exploiter has been baseless. For example, rivulet CPU intensive undertakings merely when the exploiter is away.
Automatize spunky activities by discovering effigies and pixel emblazons ( this is meant for logical utilizations such as the relief of RSI ).
Show, spell, and parse textbook charges more well than inwards early terminologies.
Execute procedure ( s ) upon a set of files that match a wildcard pattern.
Sour with the register and INI files.

Возраст: 2014
ОС: Win All
Стиль: Британский
Лечущее оружие: Не требуется
Размер: 2 Mb





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